ao desconcerto do mundo
Os bons vi sempre passar
No Mundo graves tormentos;
E, para mais me espantar,
Os maus vi sempre nadar
Em mar de contentamentos.
Cuidando alcançar assim
O bem tão mal ordenado,
Fui mau, mas fui castigado.
Assim que, só para mim,
Anda o mundo concertado.
soneto LVII
MUDAM-se os tempos mudam-se as vontades
Mudam-se os tempos, mudam se as vontades,
Muda-se o ser, muda-se a confiança;
Todo o mundo é composto de mudança,
Tomando sempre novas qualidades.
Continuamente vemos novidades
Diferentes em tudo da esperança;
Do mal ficam as mágoas na lembrança,
E do bem (se algum houve), as saudades.
O tempo cobre o chão de verde manto,
Que já coberto foi de neve fria,
E em mim converte em choro o doce canto.
E afora este mudar se cada dia,
Outra mudança faz de mor espanto,
Que não se muda já como soía.

Times do change — and so, too, our WISHES
Times do change — and so, too, our wishes,
The ways of being they change too, and our believes;
The whole world is made of change,
Assuming always new features.
Constantly we see novelties that don’t meet
Our best hopes; from the bad things of the past
The pain remains, and from the good ones, if we had any,
We are left with the sorrows of missing them.
Time covers with a green coat the soil,
Which once was laying under the cold snow,
And turns into bitter crying my old sweet chant.
And besides this constant changing,
Another change I didn’t expect took place:
There is a totally new way for things to change.
Waktu berubah dan begitupun keinginan kita
Waktu berubah — dan begitupun, keinginan kita,
Cara menjalani hidup berubah, begitupun kepercayaan kita;
Dunia ini terdiri dari perubahan,
Yang selalu membentuk sesuatu yang baru.
Selalu kita lihat sesuatu yang baru
Yang tidak memenuhi harapan kita;
Dari perubahan buruk, kita terluka,
Dan dari yang baik, kita menderita bila kehilangannya.
Waktu menutupi dengan mantel hijau, tanah,
Yang dahulu pernah ditutupi salju putih,
Dan berubah menjadi tangisan pedih atas nyanyian indah.
Terlepas dari perubahan terus menerus ini,
Sebuah perubahan lain yang tidak pernah terpikir terjadi:
Ada cara baru bagi sesuatu untuk berubah.
Oh! Como se me alonga DE ANO EM ANO
Oh! Como se me alonga, de ano em ano,
A peregrinação cansada minha!
Como se encurta, e como ao fim caminha
Este meu breve e vão discurso humano!
Vai-se gastando a idade e cresce o dano;
Perde-se-me um remédio, que inda tinha;
Se por experiência se adivinha,
Qualquer grande esperança é grande engano.
Corro após este bem que não se alcança;
No meio do caminho me falece,
Mil vezes caio, e perco a confiança.
Quando ele foge, eu tardo; e, na tardança,
Se os olhos ergo a ver se inda parece,
Da vista se me perde e da esperança.
Oh, how it is getting so tiresome
This life-pilgrimage of mine!
How it is getting shortened and approaching fast its end
My vain and useless human course!
Time is passing by and brings decay;
I am losing the relief I used to have.
If we can judge from past experience
Any high hopes are a huge mistake.
I pursue a good that can never be attained;
In the middle of my way, I lose it,
And I fall a thousand times, in desperation.
It flees, I tarry; and if, in my tarring,
I look up to see if it’s still there,
It has vanished from sight, and it’s gone from hope.
Oh, tahun demi tahun, semakin melelahkan
Ziarah panjang yang aku lalui ini!
Tidak terasa singkat dan cepatnya
Perjalananku yang singkat dan tak berguna ini berakhir!
Waktu terbuang sia-sia dan malah membawa kehancuran;
Ketenangan hati yang dulu ada, kini menghilang.
Jika kita berkaca dari pengalaman masa lalu
Harapan yang besar hanya akan menjadi kesalahan yang besar.
Aku mengejar sesuatu yang baik yang tak dapat kugapai;
Di tengah jalan, aku malah kehilangannya,
Aku gagal ribuan kali dan aku putus asa.
Sesuatu ini menghilang, aku tetap di sini; dan, selama masih di sini,
Aku mencari tahu bila hal baik ini masih ada,
Ia menghilang dari pandangan dan dari harapan.
The good ones I always saw
Enduring the worst hardships;
And to my utmost dismay,
The bad people I have always seen
Swimming in an Ocean of joy.
Trying to get some of the happiness
That is so unevenly allotted,
I was bad, but I got punished.
At least to myself alone
The World is not upside down.
Tentang Ketidakharmonisan Dunia
Orang-orang baik yang selalu kulihat
Menanggung kesulitan yang paling berat;
Dan, yang paling mengejutkanku,
Orang-orang jahat yang selalu kulihat
Berenang dalam lautan kegembiraan.
Mencoba mendapat kebahagiaan
Yang teramat tidak dihargai,
Aku pernah jahat, tetapi aku terjebak dalam masalah.
Setidaknya untuk diriku sendiri Dunia tidak terbalik.
The day I was born should vanish and cease
The day I was born should vanish and cease,
Let it be forever forgotten,
It shall never be repeated and, if it does,
The Sun should hide in an eclipse.
There will be no light, the Sun will turn dark,
There will be signs that the World is ending,
Monsters will be born, the rain will become blood,
The mother will not recognize her own son.
People terrified out of shock,
Tears on their livid faces,
Will believe that the World will be lost.
Oh, fearful people, do not be surprised,
Because on this very same day of the year
The most unhappy creature that ever lived was born!
Hari ketika saya dilahirkan, lenyap dan berhenti
Hari ketika saya dilahirkan, lenyap dan berhenti,
Biarkanlah itu terlupakan selamanya,
Jangan pernah itu terulang, dan kalau pun terulang,
Matahari seharusnya bersembunyi dalam gerhana.
Tak akan ada cahaya, dan matahari menjadi gelap,
Akan ada tanda-tanda bahwa dunia akan berakhir,
Monster akan segera muncul, hujan berubah menjadi darah,
Ibunya tak akan mengenali anaknya.
Orang-orang ketakutan dan terkejut,
Air mata mengalir di wajahnya yang memucat,
Meyakini bahwa dunia telah berakhir.
Wahai orang-orang yang ketakutan! Janganlah terkejut,
Bahwa pada hari ini, telah lahir,
Makhluk paling sengsara yang pernah hidup!
O dia em que eu nasci, morra e pereça
O dia em que eu nasci, morra e pereça,
Não o queira jamais o tempo dar,
Não torne mais ao mundo e, se tornar,
Eclipse nesse passo o sol padeça.
A luz lhe falte, o sol se lhe escureça,
Mostre o mundo sinais de se acabar,
Nasçam-lhe monstros, sangue chova o ar,
A mãe ao próprio filho não conheça.
As pessoas pasmadas de ignorantes,
As lágrimas no rosto, a cor perdida,
Cuidem que o mundo já se destruiu.
Ó gente temerosa, não te espantes,
Que este dia deitou ao mundo a vida
Mais desgraçada que jamais se viu!
Trabalhos dos estudantes